

Yesterday I visited an unfamiliar building. I had an appointment on the sixth floor, so I took the elevator. I realized my mistake once I was inside. The elevator was reminiscent of a small tin can. Then 5 people stepped inside and we all stood together shoulder to shoulder. I felt like a sardine and I started to panic internally. Then I hear someone say, “I’m going to the basement.” Oh dear God, Why! 😰

So, the elevator went down first. Oh my gosh, I could feel my heart beating faster. I tried to see what floor we were on as the elevator moved, but someone was standing in front of the buttons. There were several stops and finally the sixth floor.

I hadn’t felt this claustrophobic in quite a long time. I took the stairs down when I was done with my appointments. And later that day when I had another appointment, I walked up 6 flights of stairs.

I usually don’t mind elevators, but I’m never using this one again.