Fall Update


I haven’t written anything in a long while. My last blog post was about my clogged ears. Well, the nose spray didn’t work, and the nose balloon was a useless thing. I didn’t go back to the doctor because I think my ears, eventually, healed themselves. They still get that clogged feeling once in a while, but I’ve gotten used to it.

The month of September was unusually warm. And that warmth spilt over into October. I enjoyed it! The weather has started to change into cooler fall temperatures and grey skies. I don’t mind the cool weather, but the many consecutive days without sunlight tears at my soul. The long winter journey begins!

I can’t believe that Christmas is only a few weeks away. This year flew by at the speed of light. I’m sad to say that I don’t have any new accomplishments to record. But I remain hopeful that the new year will bring both opportunity and health.

In the meantime, Happy Halloween 🎃 👻