One Step Forward


It’s really nice checking things off my to-do list. It’s funny how just doing the little things can make you feel accomplished.

I now have all the required documents needed to start the next batch of legal paperwork. I’m expecting to spend the next few days filling out forms and then waiting. I think there will be more waiting involved than anything else.

January went quite well. I even signed a DNR. No, I am not sick. But if death should suddenly find me, I want to go painlessly and quickly. Look at me, being an adult. And after years of wondering if I want to be an organ donor, my answer is no.

I’m still working on my language skills. I’m still tinkering with coding as a hobby. I work out twice a week. I reduced my sugar intake and increased my water intake. I feel a lot better.

I haven’t been writing as much as I used to, but maybe I’ll get back to that sometime. I do what makes me happy. And I realize that I’m immensely privileged to be able to just do what I want. I’m thankful for that!

I’m not really comfortable sharing my political opinions publicly. I don’t like politics. Things are upside down in the United States right now. But I have to be hopeful that the tyranny will be dealt with. That’s all I’m comfortable saying.

On a happier note, apparently my catchphrase is, “I thought you had sense.” Bear, Flamingo, and Mongoose all agree on this, so it must be true. 😂